Wednesday, April 17, 2013

You are more beautiful than you think!

While watching this new ad for The Dove® Campaign for Real Beauty I was reminded of how critical we are when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Being teased as a child for being “chubby” and then become an overweight adult has stuck in my psyche and it’s very difficult for me to see a thin person when I look at myself! I still after all this time still sometimes see that 247 pound very unhappy person staring back at me!
I applaud Dove for their Bold Movement in helping us with our younger generation to teach them skills that we never learned as a child growing up!
Here is a glimpse of their most recent movements:
A Bold New Vision: The Dove® Movement for Self-Esteem
In 2010, Dove® set out a bold new vision for the brand with the Dove® Movement for Self-Esteem. The Dove® Movement for Self-Esteem provides women everywhere with opportunities to mentor the next generation and celebrate real beauty. There are many ways to become involved. Dove® invites women everywhere to join the brand in making its vision a reality. Together with experts and key partners (in the U.S., Dove® supports the work of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., Girls Inc., and Boys & Girls Clubs of America) Dove® has created self-esteem- building, educational programs and activities that encourage, inspire and motivate girls around the world. Dove® has reached over 7 million girls so far with these programs, and set a global goal of reaching 15 million girls by 2015.
In 2011, Dove® released the findings of its largest global study to date on women’s relationship with beauty—The Real Truth About Beauty: Revisited. The study revealed that only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful, and that anxiety about looks begins at an early age. In a study of over 1,200 10-to-17-year-olds, a majority of girls, 72%, said they felt tremendous pressure to be beautiful. The study also found that only 11% of girls around the world feel comfortable using the word beautiful to describe their looks, showing that there is a universal increase in beauty pressure and a decrease in girls’ confidence as they grow older. Though Dove® efforts have moved the needle in a positive direction, there is more to be done.
My friend and mentor Louise Hay teaches what she calls “Mirror Work”
In her book “You Can Heal Your Life,” clearly describes this simple process. She helps you gain back your personal power by looking in the mirror and saying “I Love You (put in your name).” This simple affirmation can have profound affect on your well-being.
We spend countless hours in front of the mirror reviewing our looks, focusing on our flaws and trying to create a perfect look…whatever that is. All of us are unique in our own right and mirror work gives us back that knowledge.
It doesn’t cost anything and we gain so much from this daily affirmation. Imagine saying, “I love you” to yourself 10 times a day. What do you think will happen?
You would start to love yourself.
Whenever I stand in front of any mirror and say “I love you ____,” a smile forms on my lips and my eyes start to twinkle. Physically I start to experience changes within my body and it feels good.
Why wouldn’t I want to feel happy?
The more you practice this the more you start to believe it!
What you see in yourself is what you put out to the world…….


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