Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thorns and Flight

When eagles build a nest, they create the foundation with small branches and rough twigs, many of which bear thorns. Then the parents feather the nest with softer leaves that make the bed comfortable for their chicks.
As the chicks grow, they thrash about the nest and gradually displace the softer bedding. At some point the softer material is scattered away, and only the thorny foundation remains, making it quite uncomfortable for the chicks to stay in the nest. Thus they are motivated to flap their wings and take independent flight, as they are meant to do. Sometimes when you are facing an uncomfortable situation, you may complain and resist it. Yet, like the young eaglets being pushed out the nest, your situation may be prompting you to exercise your wings that will allow you to soar in ways that you never would have enjoyed if you stayed in your familiar haven. Life is about movement, expansion, growth, and actualizing potential. If you stay in a home, relationship, or job beyond the time it is healthy for you, the universe will prod you with thorns as if to say, It's time to move to a broader domain.” If you do not heed the message, the thorns will get sharper and at some point you will have no choice but to fly. When you do, you will understand why a once comfortable situation became uncomfortable....

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