Five signs you need a retreat.......
Can you relate to the scenarios below? Then odds are you would benefit from a few moments of meditation and relaxation techniques.
1) You can't remember the last time you did something for yourself. It feels like all you do is take care of others' needs. You start to wish your cat could give you a back rub.
2) Things that used to make you laugh don't anymore. Or worse, you find them irritating.
3) You feel like you're cruising through life on autopilot, without stopping to appreciate things.
4) You and your partner spend your evenings zoned out in front of the TV or computer. You barely even talk to each other when you're in the same room.
5) You've been forgetful lately. Your keys are never where you thought you left them and your wet laundry starts to grow mildew because you never remember to put it in the dryer.
Relaxation exercises
There are many kinds of relaxation techniques to help you refocus and recharge.
Breathing exercises. Take deep, cleansing breaths to calm down. Count steadily while inhaling and exhaling. Imagine the air going into and out of your lungs.
Visualization. Picture yourself in a soothing place. It could be a beach scene or even a memory of a favorite childhood hiding spot. Try to recreate the sights, sounds and smells that make the location pleasant. Transporting yourself mentally to a place that makes you feel good can help you relax.
Prayer and meditation. You don't have to be religious to say prayers. They can be simple mantras or requests not directed to any god in particular. You can say the words out loud or just repeat them silently to yourself.
Yoga. Doing these stretches and poses will help you "zone in" on yourself and focus on how your body feels in the moment. Even doing simple seated exercises can have the same effect.
Journaling. Writing down thoughts and feelings in a notebook can help you let go of negative emotions. You can express yourself however you like, knowing that the words (and even sketches) are for your eyes only.
Creating a soothing space
The ideal "retreat" spot is a whole separate room reserved just for this purpose. If you can dedicate only a small corner of a room or office to your retreat, make it special. Hang a pretty piece of fabric on the wall or place it over a small table. Decorate the spot with pictures that you love. Scented oils or reed diffusers can enhance the relaxing effect.
Take time to relax!!!
Whether you have five minutes or an entire hour to devote to relaxation, make sure you build the time into your schedule. Then turn off the rest of the world - including phones and computers - and escape into your retreat. You'll feel refreshed and focused afterwards.
JOIN US FOR A WEEKEND RETREAT and enjoy group talks, meditation, yoga and fine a general sense of well being.